On the last day of Term 2, we came together to celebrate St Peter’s Day. The day began
with a liturgy that celebrated our patron saint as well as acknowledged those students
who consistently demonstrate the qualities of a St. Peter’s student. We also welcomed
guests from the local chapter of St Vincent de Paul who received the donations we’d
collected to support those less fortunate in our local community. Thank you to Year 6
who led us in this celebration! We also came together later in the day for St Peter’s Got
Talent – our annual talent show. A huge congratulations to every student who
auditioned to be a part of this great event. As always, we were blown away by the
performances, and the time and effort each performer put in to preparing. Well done to
This term, we will come together for the following whole school celebrations:
- Catholic Education Week Liturgy led by 4 Blue and 4 Gold on Monday 22 July at
- Liturgy celebrating the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross Thursday 8 August at
- Father’s Day Liturgy led by Year 2 on Thursday 29 August at 9am followed by
Open Classrooms from Prep to Year 6.
We are looking forward to seeing you at some or all these special celebrations and