Useful Resources for Parents

​​​Be you Beyond Blue website offers a broad range of information and resources relating to the mental health and wellbeing of primary school age children. It has a specific focus on social emotional well-being and learning. Be you Beyond Blue provides handy information sheets specially designed for school personnel, families and communities. For families, Be you Beyond Blue provides information sheets containing practical information, tips, and strategies across a large range of common childhood issues. The information sheets were prepared by professionals experienced in the various areas of children’s mental health and development, so you can be rest assured that the information is of a high quality. Here is the link to the section specifically for families: 

Be You Beyond Blue Family​

They have a really great main page which provides a long list of topic areas including: mental health basics, should I be concerned, mindfulness, social and emotional learning, mental health difficulties, getting help, belonging, cultural diversity, family relationships, positive mental health for parents and carers, starting school, school refusal, body image, bullying, additional needs and mental health, learning and learning difficulties (including ASD and ADHD). Here is the link:

Be You Beyond Blue Mental Health

They also have a section relating to social emotional learning which includes the following topics: social development, emotional development, motivation and praise, resilience, play, making decisions, managing behaviour, resolving conflict and anger. Here is the link: 

Be You Beyond Blue Social and Emotional​

​​They have another section referring to a variety of mental health concerns including: anxiety, depression, self-harm, serious behaviour difficulties and trauma. Here is the link:

Be You Beyond Blue​ Anxiety

There is also a section on 'Seeking Support’  which includes: when/how to seek help for your child’s mental health difficulties, getting information on parenting, and the ways that families can work with schools to support your child’s well-being etc. Here is the link:

Be You Beyond Blue Seeking Support​


