Living Waters Catholic Parish
Beerburrum Road, Caboolture QLD 4510
(PO Box 483, Caboolture QLD 4510)
Phone: 07 5495 1028
Fax: 07 5495 8820
Parish Personnel |
Parish Priest: |
Fr David Pascoe
Co-ordinator Sacramental Program: |
Sharron Macrae (Caboolture) |
Office Administration: |
Sharron Macrae, Mary Code & Kath Rawlinson
The School in the Parish Community
The school plays an active role in the life of Living Waters Catholic Parish. It sets out to support the growth of children in their faith and encourage their active participation in the parish liturgical celebrations. School and parish staff keep in regular contact and work together to foster the faith life of the children and their families.
The Sacraments
The primary responsibility for the faith life of children lies with their parents. This is evident in the parish sacramental program, where parents work together with other parents to prepare their children for reception of the Sacraments. The school supports the parish sacramental program by encouraging children in their development, celebrating the significant steps, and by the voluntary participation of some members of staff in leading small group home meetings. The Archdiocesan Religious Education Syllabus which forms the basis of the school’s program develops children’s religious knowledge about the Sacraments in all year levels.
Community Worship
The school has a rich and vibrant faith life which is expressed through a variety of liturgies and celebrations. We gather for whole school Eucharistic liturgies at certain intervals throughout the year. Major feasts and memorial days, such as the opening and closing of the school year, Ash Wednesday, St Josephs Day, Mary MacKillops Feast Day and St Peters Day are marked and celebrated through whole school gatherings and assemblies. Classes and year levels celebrate Eucharist/Liturgies together with the parish community.